
list.of.packages <-
    "gt", #package for customizing html table view
    "conflicted", #Some functions are named the same way across different packages and they can be conflicts and this package helps sorting this problem 
    "here", #helps with the reproducibility across operating systems=
    "reshape2", # reshaping the data
    "plotly", #  another advanced visualization tool 
    "pbapply", # Parallelization libraries

new.packages <-
  list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]

#Download packages that are not already present in the library
if (length(new.packages))

# Load packages
packages_load <-
  lapply(list.of.packages, require, character.only = TRUE)

#Print warning if there is a problem with installing/loading some of packages
if (any(as.numeric(packages_load) == 0)) {
  warning(paste("Package/s: ", paste(list.of.packages[packages_load != TRUE], sep = ", "), "not loaded!"))
} else {
  print("All packages were successfully loaded.")
rm(list.of.packages, new.packages, packages_load)

#Resolve conflicts
   conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
  conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr")

#if install is not working try changing repositories
#install.packages("ROCR", repos = c(CRAN=""))

Epidemic simulation: Dispersal

In this section, concepts about dispersal are studied using simulation. In the R code that follows, dispersal within a field is explored, beginning with the case of random positioning of initial infections.

This section’s goal is to initiate the thinking process about specific questions such as, when would a distribution be random based on the inoculum sources.

To begin, suppose you would like to generate a simulated map of individual plants and their infection status, where infections are randomly assigned to individuals in the initial map and the number of infections per individual is tallied. First generate a matrix of dimensions 10x10 containing zeroes, where zero indicates no infection.

map1 <- matrix(0,10,10)
initial_inf <- 3

We want to make sure that the random process is reproducible on every machine.


Randomly select row and column coordinates for vector carrying information about the number of initial infections initial_inf, where initial_inf can be assigned any value.

initial_inf <- 3
(row1 <- sample(1:10,size=initial_inf, replace=T))
(col1 <- sample(1:10, size=initial_inf, replace=T))

Assign the infections to the plants corresponding to the randomly drawn coordinates, and look at the new map.

for(j in 1:initial_inf) {
  map1[row1[j],col1[j]] <- map1[row1[j],col1[j]] + 1}

A handy function melt for melting array (and other types) data is found in reshape2 package.

map1_long <- 
reshape2::melt(map1, varnames = c("rows", "cols")) 
# See first rows onf melted matrix

Finally, it is possible to visualize this data using ggplot.

point_size <- 11
 map1_long %>% 
  ggplot(aes(factor(cols), factor(rows), 
             color = value,
             label = as.character(value)))+
  geom_point(size = point_size, shape = 15)+
  geom_text(colour = "black")+
  scale_color_gradient("Health status (counts of infected plants):",
                        low = "lightgreen", high = "#993300")+
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top",
        panel.background = element_rect(terrain.colors(5)[3]),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+

To avoid repetition, the last two steps (melting and plotting) were joined into a function.

PlotMat <- function(data, 
                    point_size = 11 # default value
reshape2::melt(data, varnames = c("rows", "cols")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(factor(cols), factor(rows), 
             color = value,
             label = as.character(value)))+
  geom_point(size = point_size, shape = 15)+
  geom_text(colour = "black")+
  scale_colour_gradient("Health status (counts of infected plants):",
                        low = "lightgreen", high = "#993300")+
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "top",
        panel.background = element_rect(terrain.colors(5)[3]),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+

Dispersal simulation

Start with a simple model of likely infections of adjacent plants. Such pattern of dispersion is called the rook’s move. We move onto simulation of generations of reproduction and dispersal.

The matrix map1 is redefined here.

Randomly select row and column coordinates for initial_inf (initial infections), where initial_inf can be assigned any value.

map2 <- map1
for(xrow in 1:10){
  for(xcol in 1:10){
    numprop <- map1[xrow,xcol]     
    if(xrow > 1){
      map2[xrow-1,xcol] <- map2[xrow-1,xcol] + numprop}
    if(xrow < 10){
      map2[xrow+1,xcol] <- map2[xrow+1,xcol] + numprop}
    if(xcol < 10){
      map2[xrow,xcol+1] <- map2[xrow,xcol+1] + numprop}
    if(xcol > 1){
      map2[xrow,xcol-1] <- map2[xrow,xcol-1] + numprop}
    map2[xrow,xcol] <- map2[xrow,xcol] + numprop

Assign the infections to the plants corresponding to the randomly drawn coordinates, and look at the new map.

lapply(list(map1,map2), PlotMat)

This process can be repeated a defined number of generations, based on pathogen life cycle.

#Assign the number of generations of dispersal to be studied 
num_gen <- 6

Set up mapn as a list that includes num_gen maps.

mapn <- as.list(1:num_gen)

Initialize each of the num_gen maps to contain zeroes.

for(j in 1:num_gen){mapn[[j]] <- matrix(0,10,10)}
#For each of the next maps
mapn[[1]] <- map1
names(mapn)[1] <- "1"
for(j in 2:num_gen){
  #Temporarily make the map the same as one generation back
  mapn[[j]] <- mapn[[j-1]]
  #Then add the new infections following the rooks' moves
  for(xrow in 1:10){
    for(xcol in 1:10){
      numprop <- mapn[[j-1]][xrow,xcol]     
      if(xrow > 1){mapn[[j]][xrow-1,xcol] <- 
                     mapn[[j]][xrow-1,xcol] + numprop}
      if(xrow < 10){mapn[[j]] [xrow+1,xcol] <- 
                      mapn[[j]][xrow+1,xcol] + numprop}
      if(xcol < 10){mapn[[j]] [xrow,xcol+1] <- 
                      mapn[[j]][xrow,xcol+1] + numprop}
      if(xcol > 1){mapn[[j]] [xrow,xcol-1] <- 
                     mapn[[j]][xrow,xcol-1] + numprop}
      mapn[[j]][xrow,xcol] <- mapn[[j]][xrow,xcol] + numprop
  names(mapn)[j] <- j

Make a plot for each element of the list.

plots <- lapply(mapn, PlotMat)

Note: Move cursor on lapply and pres F1 to find out more about this funciton.

Display all plots.

mapn_plot <- list()
for(i in seq(mapn)){
  mapn_plot[[i]] <- 
  reshape2::melt(mapn[[i]]) %>% 
    mutate(time = names(mapn[i]))

gg <- 
mapn_plot %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(factor(Var1), factor(Var2), 
             color = value,
             label = as.character(value)))+
  geom_point(aes(frame = time), size = point_size, shape = 15)+
  scale_colour_gradient("Health status (counts of infected plants):",
                        low = "lightgreen", high = "#993300")+
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none",
        panel.background = element_rect(terrain.colors(5)[3]),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())


Simulating epidemics with random and exponential derived dispersal.

Here we create map for a defined area 1000m x 1000m.

Assign the number of initial infections, nstart.

nstart <- 20

Randomly draw x and y coordinates for the initial infections.

row1 <- runif(n=nstart, min=0, max=1000)
col1 <- runif(n=nstart, min=0, max=1000)

Data is drawn form exponential distribution using function rexp.

hist(rexp(n=1000, rate=2),col="blue",xlim =range(0:13), ylim = range(0:600))
hist(rexp(n=1000, rate=1),col="blue",xlim =range(0:13), ylim = range(0:600))
hist(rexp(n=1000, rate=0.5),col="blue", xlim =range(0:13), ylim = range(0:600))

Simulation parameters are as follows: - nstart is the number of initial infections - nnew is the number of new infections produced by each pre-existing infection each generation - ngen is the number of generations - exppar is the rate parameter for the exponential distribution

coord <- matrix(runif(n=2*nstart, min=0, max=1000),
                nrow=nstart, ncol=2)  
ntot <- nstart
nnew <- 10
ngen <-  3
exppar <-  0.2

Create a function to run computations.

disperse2 <- function(nstart, nnew, ngen, exppar){
  coord <- matrix(runif(n=2*nstart, min=0, max=1000),
                  nrow=nstart, ncol=2)  
  ntot <- nstart
  for(i in 1:ngen){
    for(j in 1:ntot){
      tempx <- coord[j,1]
      tempy <- coord[j,2]
      newdir <- runif(n=nnew, min=-pi, max=pi)
      newdist <- rexp(n=nnew, rate=exppar)
      newx <- tempx + newdist * sin(newdir)
      newy <- tempy + newdist * cos(newdir)
      newcoord <- cbind(newx,newy)
      coord <- rbind(coord,newcoord)
    ntot <- length(coord[,1])

Select rates and number of generations for visualization.

Make combinations of different rate parameters and number of generations to explore.

(combos <-
  expand.grid(rate = c(.05, .1, .5),
              gen = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))

A matrix is created for each combination of parameters and stored in list sim_ls.

sim_ls  <- list()

(start_time_single <- Sys.time())

for(i in seq(1:nrow(combos))){
  sim_ls[[i]] <- 
  disperse2(nstart=20, nnew=10, 
            exppar= combos[i,1]) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
    mutate(rates =paste0("rate = ", combos[i,1]),
           ngen = paste0("gen = ", combos[i,2]))
  # Error checking 
  # Sometimes it is useful to know which operations in the look are finished
  # to be able to determine where the problems lies if an error occurs 

# Check the time difference 
end_time_single <- Sys.time() 

More intensive computations such as the one above could take a long time. Since R is natively using a single core for computations we have to use specific package and specific commands to be able to use multiple cores. There are several packages that allow this and here we present an example of use with pbapply package.

# Split the combos data frame into a list 
combos_ls <-
  split(combos, 1:nrow(combos))

#calculate the time needed for the calculations
(start_time_multi <- Sys.time())

# Detect the number of cores 
cores <- detectCores()

# sometimes we do not want to use all cores if we are using the machine for other operations
# cores <- ifelse(detectCores() > 1, detectCores()-1, 1) 

# Make a cluster of cores
cl <- makeCluster(cores)

# Export functions used in calculations
clusterExport(cl, c("combos_ls", "sim_ls", "disperse2", "sim_ls"))

# Export libraries needed for computation
clusterEvalQ(cl, library("dplyr", quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE))

sim_ls <- 
pblapply(combos_ls, function(x){
  disperse2(nstart=20, nnew=10, 
            exppar= x[,1]) %>% 
    as_tibble() %>% 
    mutate(rates =paste0("rate = ", x[ ,1]),
           ngen = paste0("gen = ", x[ ,2]))
}, cl = cl)

# Check the time difference 
end_time_multi <- Sys.time() 

The cluster must be stopped at the end of the operation, or else, these remain active process and will slow the computer.


It is a good practice to save the results of the analysis right after the analysis finishes.

saveRDS(sim_ls, here::here("simulation.rds"))

Benefits of multicore processing are obvious on the table below.

# Duration of single core default R calculation 
end_time_single- start_time_single

# Duration of multic0re calculation
end_time_multi- start_time_multi

Finally, it is possible to visualize how does development of epidemics depend from the rate of spread.

sim_ls %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 
ggplot(aes(newx, newy))+
  geom_point(size = .3)+